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Adani Foundation

Empowering Coastal Communities: The Lifology-Adani Foundation Partnership

Driving sustainable career growth for youth in coastal regions through strategic collaboration and targeted support.



Service & Offer

Psychometric Assessment
Career Guidance, a top international career accelerator, has joined forces with the Adani Foundation to launch a transformative initiative for the youth in Kerala’s coastal regions. This partnership is part of a dedicated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) effort to provide lasting career opportunities for students in these less developed areas.


Despite their rich cultural heritage, Kerala’s coastal communities face many challenges that limit educational and career options for young people. The Adani Foundation and have come together to address these challenges by guiding local youth towards viable career paths.

The Partnership

This collaboration brings together’s expertise in career management with the Adani Foundation’s dedication to social improvement. The focus is on making world-class career guidance accessible and nurturing local talent to meet global career standards.

Program Highlights

Annually, the program selects promising students from coastal schools, offering them detailed career assessments, personalized mentoring, and access to’s career resources. The initiative aims to:

Impact and Outcomes

Many students have significantly benefited from this program, gaining the confidence and skills needed to pursue higher education and employment in various sectors. With the guidance and support provided, students have successfully entered fields such as technology, healthcare, and business.


The partnership between Lifology and the Adani Foundation goes beyond typical CSR activities. It acts as a powerful change agent within Kerala’s coastal communities, ensuring that no student is held back by their geographical or economic circumstances from achieving their career potential.